well, there was this time back in 2007 where i was having a ride with my wonderfull race bike that i had found inside those huge garbage bins. anyway, i was riding on the street and saw that there was a traffic jam, so i decided to go on the sidewalk so that i dont get hit by a car. It was going well until a douche in a Mazda Protegé tried to get to the parking lot of home depot alike store. instead of parking inside the parking lot, HE BRAKED ON THE MIDDLE OF THE GEWDAMM'd SIDEWALK! and there i was, with my road bike that had the tires so slick that when i used BOTH of the brakes, i went into a 20-25m drift ( it was an awesome feeling to pull that off with that bike eventhough i knew it was going to hurt ).
I could see the dude's face going red when he saw me sideways trying to avoid contact with him and his fugly car. the worst happend. the front wheel got most of the impact, after the '' shunt '', the rear wheel became airborne. I was lucky that it got sideways because i would have flown over the handle bars, but because of that, all my weight made the rest of the bike hit the car. i dont remember how, but i somehow managed to sit infront of the car after leaving somewhat of a bump on the passenger's door.
i should have sued him for innapropriate driving , but who cares anyway! Im still alive, that's what matters!